入会申込 Application for a year

*マークは必須項目です。Answers are required for questions with the * mark.

例)山田 Yamada

例)太郎 Taro

ご登録いただいたメールアドレスには、受講にあたって必要になるご連絡をお送りするほか、お客さまの契約内容やご登録状況等について、その他クラスの休講など、必要なご連絡を差し上げます。お間違いのないよう入力をお願いします。We will use the email address you provide here to send you information on taking CTIS Experience courses and/or After School Program courses, as well as to inform you of contract details, your registration status, and other necessary information such as class cancellations. Please make sure your email address is entered correctly.







This application will be accepted after the confirmation with After-School administration section.
A copy of this application will be sent to the email address you submitted. Please be sure to check what you applied after receiving the email.